Environment & Infra

Solar India
We performs a full service EPC, undertaking PV projects with our several skilled teams around all over India and the technical support from the experience taken from our track record, are able to deploy the best solution for each project and scenario, from the largest ground-mounted plant to the most innovative rooftop installation or even storage system.

We have developed a unique Innovative patented technology Bio-Green technology which addresses two of the most critical environmental problems faced by mankind the effective treatment organic solid waste and liquid effluent. Bio-Green contributes to human welfare by application of biotechnology to prevent environment degradation. The technology is useful in the treatment of hazardous gases associated with the compositing of garbage and in the treatment of gases generated in liquid effluent. It also accelerates the composting process of solid waste many folds, treats sewage swiftly to reduce BOD/COD content, increases DO level and reduces the sludge mass in sewage treatment plants.

1. Bio-Green compost
The solution decompose the garbage. Bio-Green activates the beneficial microbes to react bio-chemically with waste molecules, catalyzing their transformation into smell-free non-toxic end products which are consumed in nature. It rapidly accelerates achievement of full decomposition
2. Bio-Green odor:
The solution totally remove bad & toxic odor smell from garbage.
3. Bio-Green Organic
This solution convert garbage into high grade manure. As additive to Composting process, and Organic Fertilizer manufacturing to increase the NKP and micro nutrient value of the compost and also as a repellent of pests and insects when such compost is used for farming.

The oxidizing agent used is Hydrogen peroxide which is bonded with stabilizing agents to form a complex solution A long-lasting effect is ensured by the addition of Silver which acts as a catalyst m trace amounts. The bacterial effect of Salver is based on the fact that the monovalent Silver ion binds very firmly to bacterial proteus by a covalent or coordinate bond, and thus inactivates the bacteria · Aquasil D10 is a multicomponent Disinfectant.
- AQUASIL D10 is completely Chlorine Free No Carcinogeme and Bio-Degradable, the ideal solution for Water Disinfection.
- AQUASIL D10 is an ecologically friendly effective and easy to use the product.
- AQUASIL D10 neutralizes the chlorine affect in the water.
- Long term Disinfection.
- Tasteless & Colourless.

Bio Green Sanitary
Bio-Green Sanitary is a natural Microbial and enzyme-based system that has the ability to rapidly and fully digest organic pollutants like human faecal matter through high speed enzymatic catabolism. Bio Green Sanitary has remarkable ability to eliminate toxic gases of septic tanks (mixture of Methane, Hydrogen Sulphide, Ammonia, Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulphur dioxide. It is developed using an innovative patented technology. It digests organic waste and eliminates odor, removes sludge build up in septic tanks, Bio toilets, Drain pipes and leach pits. The microbes in Bio-Green Sanitary are specifically adapted to tolerate exposure to household chemicals