IT Products

IT Products

Network Equipment

Networking equipment interconnects devices so that data can be shared between them. The layout or topology of these connected devices describes the network’s design or structure. Computer networks handle data according to protocols that are fundamental mechanisms for network communications. Network protocols specify the software attributes of data communications, including the structure of packets and the information contained therein. Depending upon the type of network, packets may be called blocks, cells, frames or segments. Network protocols may also prescribe some or all of the operational characteristics of the network hardware on which they run.

VoIP and IP Telephony

VoIP and IP telephony allows PC users to make phone calls over the Internet or other packet networks via gateways and standard telephones.

CLOUD services

Cloud services are infrastructure, platforms, or software that are hosted by us to providers and made available to users through the internet.

Managed from a central location

Hosted on a remote server

Accessible over the internet

Users are not responsible for hardware and software updates. Updates are applied automatically.

IT & Telecom

Communication terminal equipment, communication network infrastructure equipment, infrastructure equipment used in cable distribution systems, AC main supply as the medium of information transmission.

The IMT-Advanced systems provide the users with access to a variety of advanced IP-based services and applications.

Touch Screen panels with sensor

Eliminates the need for software program development to manipulate and display dimensional data from Acuity sensors

Single laser, dual laser, or dual laser thickness mode

Limits can be programmed into the touch panel to give a visual warning to operators that the target is too close or too far or too thick or too thin.

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